Season 3 : EPISODE 1
Shadow State: Murder, Mayhem, and Russia’s Remaking of the West
Max Bergmann interviews The Guardian’s Luke Harding about how Russia has sought to undermine the West by interfering and corrupting the politics of the US, UK, and other Western countries. Harding discusses his interviews with Christopher Steele, new revelations about Russian interference in the United Kingdom, his reaction to the Mueller report, and how Russia will seek to interfere in the 2020 election.
The Asset is a partnership between The Center for American Progress Action Fund, District Productive, and Protect the Investigation. Hosted by Max Bergmann, The Asset seeks to make sense of all the investigations, indictments, and speculation surrounding President Trump.
The Asset tells the full story of Trump’s lawlessness and abuse of power, from his collusion with the Russian government to his extortion of a foreign leader to help him win re-election. Each week, we will examine the colorful characters that populate the story of how the President of the United States continues to leverage the full power of the United States government for his own personal gain.